Above: Kara Hayes (Director of Restorative Justice Practices in Suffolk County DA Rollins Office),Vanildo Dacruz (Project Place graduate), Azeb Girma (Project Place case-manager) Board members, staff, clients, alumni, community partners, friends and family joined us in the Project Place Community Room for our 52nd Annual Meeting and Partners-at-Work Awards. Chef June McCoy-Reid, and clients training in…

Tommy Walker, 2017 Peter Callaway Scholarship recipient, hands off this year’s award to Joli Sparkman Bayron Photography by: Vail Fucci Joli Sparkman Bayron works full-time as a reentry coordinator and case manager for Bethany House Ministries, helping men and women recently released from prison find treatment or job readiness programs, housing, and other critical support…

The night was short, it passed us by before we knew it, but we were able to hear so many powerful stories from both current students and alumni; those still forging ahead in spite of the many setbacks they’ve faced. Yolanda, Dexter, Tommy, and Joli are inspirational individuals that are beacons of how impactful the power…

April 8th through 12th marked this year’s Mental Wellness Week at Project Place. Staff and clients alike took a week to reflect on their mental health, finding time in the day to decompress and relax. Navigating the stress and finding the things that make you happy are important factors that contribute to success, both in…

Project Place was happy to have local Girl Scout Troop 82487 (aka The Daring Divas) help us assemble NavSacks for our reentry program. The goal of our NavSack project is to help individuals immediately after they are released from jail. Project Place intervenes in the reentry process, pre and post release, in order to provide…

As they begin their quests for job readiness, participants in our introductory Work Ready class are given a chance to try their hand at a mock job interview. Not only is the ability to effectively communicate a valuable skill that will be used in everyday life, but interviewees gain insight into the expectations of the…

We are excited to announce that we are reviving our Client of the Quarter award! This award celebrates the dedication and success of a particular Project Place client. This quarter, we recognize Yolette for her hard-work, motivation, enthusiasm and kindness. A framed photograph of Yolette will be hung alongside previous Clients of the Quarter in the Project Place…

Early this month, the Coalition for Homeless Individuals organized two days of advocacy events to raise awareness and support for legislation that would increase funding for critical homeless services in Massachusetts. The coalition is a network of emergency shelters and providers from across the state who work together to promote the protection of homeless individuals. Thursday February 7th, 2019 Project…

We were saddened to learn that Gloria Snyder, a former board member of Project Place, passed away on Monday, December 31, 2018.  Gloria will be remembered for her kindness, intelligence, and generosity along with her old fashioned practical sense. She not only brought these qualities to our board meeting discussions but also when directly helping our…

“Everyone should be able to benefit from a nutritious diet.” – Sue O’Malley, Project Place Volunteer This fall, Sue O’Malley brought her passion for healthy eating and gardening to Project Place. She is engaging clients in a series of workshops where she teaches nutrition and gardening. She also helps clients identify and access the fresh…

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