Suzanne and a client of Gatehouse hugging

Suzanne Kenney, Executive Director, with a Project Place client – 2018 

I’ve had the privilege of being part of this amazing community for over 25 years. One of the most rewarding aspects of my tenure has been to be in the company of a group of really kind people – every day! A group of people who are caring, empathetic, and resourceful.  People who come together to support the well-being of individuals who may be perfect strangers. These individuals we support are men and women who have experienced poverty and homelessness, whose lives have been interrupted by experiences such as domestic violence, addiction, and incarceration. They have the courage to walk through our doors and ask for help from people they don’t yet know. But when we come together as Project Place, we form a community where we see our shared humanity in each other. We are no longer strangers to each other, only neighbors.

In a time when the world is an uncertain place and our politics can be so divisive, we are “here” joined in purpose.  To quote someone who saw more than most, Helen Keller said, Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much. And we have!

Thank you to our Fabulous Four Open Door Gala co-chairs — Eileen & Jack Connors and Sue & Bill O’Malley — for their leadership in raising awareness and funding for Project Place, during these challenging times. We are grateful for their compassion and commitment to helping Boston residents who are most in need.

Thank you to all of our supporters for coming together to provide jobs, housing and hope for our community.

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