Featured Client Story
“Since coming into the Project Place community, they have made me feel part of a whole with a share in their purpose.”
5 years ago, Lawrence lost his wife of 27 years to cancer. He struggled with depression and addiction and ended up homeless, living in abandoned buildings and bouncing from program to program. Lawrence reflects, “I got to a point where I finally understood what addiction and loneliness really were… I was tired of who I had become. It went on for a time, trying to figure out just how to get back to ‘normal’. I thought about a woman(I had met?) named Azeb who was an outreach worker at Project Place.”
Now, Lawrence is a crew member of Project Place’s Clean Corners Bright Hopes social enterprise. In February, he told his story at the State House to advocate for funding for homeless services. His warm smile and considerate nature brighten the days of everyone he interacts with. Lawrence remarks that “today I can say I am growing daily thanks to Project Place’s support.”
At Project Place, we welcome individuals with histories of substance use disorder and addiction; we help people work towards positive change, creating opportunities for learning and empowerment that lead to independence. Part of that includes our commitment to the work of recovery. For individuals who already have a period of sobriety under their belt, our Work Ready program is a good starting place. For those who are committed to recovery but whom may have had a recent relapse, our Stabilization Program may be the place to build a stronger foundation. And for those who are contemplating change but have not yet made a commitment to recovery, we provide motivational interviewing and referrals to supportive services in preparation for them to return and engage with Project Place.
After submitting an enrollment form, meet with a case manager to determine your strengths, areas to improve, conditions and circumstances, and which entry point you should start at.
SPARRC is a 4-week class that provides group meeting times, dedicated 1:1 case management time, and workshops that cover a range of helpful topics. By the end, participants should have the basic tools and support network to move into job training. The class is repeatable so even if more support is needed, you can always re-enroll.
Skill Development
Starting from the basics, we offer progressing levels of job training that put clients on a path towards employment with a livable wage. We start in the classroom and computer lab, teaching essential life and work skills. Then we move on to industry training, where we prepare for clients to test for national credentials. Finally, we offer transitional employment opportunities so clients can learn hands-on in a supportive environment. Read more about the path you could take here.
Career Development
We offer assessments, trainings, coaching and job placement services to help develop a career and learn the skills to advance past entry-level. Career Services works with local employers and educational organizations to find the most efficient ways to maximize career pathways.
Case Management
Meet with case managers 1:1 to come up with a plan to move forward. Case managers will help create a plan that outlines goals, supports, resources, and next steps to help each person find their own path.
Alumni Services
To help promote success, we stay connected for at least 2-years after programming, for as long as needed. If someone faces setbacks, needs extra support, wants to learn more skills, or just wants to stay in touch Project Place is always here to welcome them back.
Partner Highlight
Project Place works closely with recovery programs across Greater Boston. This includes Access to Recovery (ATR) and also residential treatment programs such as Hope House and Gavin House.
With ATR, Project Place works as part of their Career Building Initiative program. As part of their recovery process, individuals can enroll in Project Place services while under ATR. They will be able to receive a stipend while working towards change.
We also deliver various forms of our Work Ready class to residential treatment programs such as Hope House. As people are beginning the recovery process, they may be able to enroll in our services. The structured class, assignments, and life skill building are all valuable chances to continue on the path to recovery.
To those in-recovery who enroll in Project Place, we strive to be a respectful and supportive community of recovery. Staff, and other fellow clients, are there to support each other and respect the boundaries and history of each person.
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