CREW (Community Re-Entry for Women) graduated its first class in 2004 and this August, Project Place graduated it’s 60th CREW class from the HOC . Seven women completed the program and were given certificates of graduation, and two participants spoke about how important the program had been to them. Native Bostonian and State Senator Linda Dorcena Forrey was in attendance, as were CREW program alumni who had previously been incarcerated and came to support their peers.
CREW is Project Place’s nationally-recognized partnership with the Suffolk County House of Correction (HOC). CREW prepares women prior to release with job readiness and life-skills instruction; individualized, comprehensive discharge planning and ongoing weekly case management with Project Place staff. Upon re-entry women are provided with wrap-around services including intensive case management in order to encourage successful advancement in their goals of employment, housing and reducing recidivism. We are proud that CREW participants are 20% more likely to become employed upon release, based upon the national employment placement average for recently incarcerated individuals.