Project Place promotes a community of hope and opportunity for individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty by providing the skills, education and resources needed to obtain and sustain employment and housing.
To end homelessness by providing pathways to attain jobs, housing and hope.
The human spirit is resilient.
Every person, regardless of life’s circumstances, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
Courage, motivation and strength exist in every person we serve.
Transformative change is possible.
Self-determination and human connection are essential components of wellness.
Stability is achieved through the obtainment of work and safe housing.
To provide a supportive and inclusive community that seeks to meet individuals wherever they are on life’s journey.
To deliver high quality programming that is effective, evidence-based and outcome focused.
To provide personalized case management, instilling hope and guiding individuals with strategies to overcome barriers.
To offer holistic support to the people we serve, cultivating professional skills and personal growth equally.
To maintain a workforce development program that is relevant and reflects the current expectations of the labor market.
To provide long-term individual support for at least two-years post-programming to promote retention and reinforce achievements.