Learn more about Project Place
Opening Doors to Opportunities
Project Place is a prominent social service agency in Boston. We have been working in the community since 1967, serving clients in the face of significant challenges. As the needs of the population have shifted over the years, Project Place has responded by refocusing its programs. The importance of jobs and housing has never been greater. Project Place operates out of a sense of urgency with compassion and the know-how to support personal change.
Project Place opens doors to opportunities. Before Project Place, clients have limited options for employment, stemming from problems related to poverty and insufficient education to perform adequately in today’s workplace. Most clients have experienced interruptions in the flow of their lives whether it be from drug and alcohol abuse, military service, family breakdown, incarceration, domestic violence or mental illness. Often it is more than one of these interruptions happening at once or causing each other. These problems are incredibly overwhelming to overcome without assistance.
Prospective clients come to us through word-of-mouth and by referrals from community and church centers. We offer a warm welcome to all those who cross our threshold, whatever their background or circumstances. Those that demonstrate a willingness to do the hard work to set and meet long-term goals are able to enroll in our program. The first requirement for admission is a commitment to personal stability, including gaining and maintaining sobriety and meeting the full attendance requirement of the programs.

Meet some of our alumni >
Project Place staff dedicate themselves to each client’s success in completing a program, landing a job, and finding permanent housing.
We can do our best work when clients enroll ready to commit to sobriety and to making permanent changes that will result in employment and stable housing. Project Place staff provides services in instances that can be disheartening to people without support —
We understand that a client requires social, emotional, and educational support to begin to manage an ordinary life. When a client enters the program after serving time in a corrections facility, the idea of managing an ordinary life can seem overwhelming. The Project Place case manager advises the client on adherence to the terms of parole and how to build trust with the court system.
We recognize that a woman who’s been separated from her children can feel that the rifts in her family are unsolvable. With staff support, she can work on a strategy to rejoin and repair disrupted relationships. The woman, who had had children removed from her care, can discover that she has the wherewithal to put her life in order and get her family back together.
We work with people in recovery, through their hopelessness. Staff support for staying sober is one of our most important services. To take part in Project Place programs, each client must commit to living drug- and alcohol-free. With guidance, clients can learn to accept referrals to programs that can help them make the commitment to sobriety and with it increased self-confidence and self-reliance.
We offer another view of life to someone who’s been homeless and exhausted from to moving from one shelter to another. Homeless adults come to Project Place committed to making long-term changes. They’re prepared to show up every day and on time. They demonstrate that they are ready to do the hard work in classes, to work on personal issues, to become employed, and to find housing.